Thanks for our 2022 DJ’s. It was great fun. The hotel got numerous noise complaints (Successful Rave!)
Stay tuned to our social media pages. We will alert you when
we announce our music for 2023.
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Saturday Sept 24, 2022 10:00pm in Main programming is when you get your rave gear on, and party and leave your cares at the door. (just follow the bass)

Super Juice is bringing the Japanese mixes to the rave.
Superjuice started mixing Japanese music in 2019 after DJing with Radio Free Fargo for over a decade. His first live performance was at Anime Fargo 2019! He’s also played VGM Con as well as an Anime Expo afterparty with Anison Hijack where he is a resident DJ.
Twitter: @superjuice2pt1
Insta: @superjuice2point1
Facebook: @therussianpredicament or
Pronouns: he/him
Super Juice collects music and DJ’s too. 1 Rave, 2 DJ’s, 100,000 Funs.
The Dimension Jumpers

The Dimension Jumpers Location: -Universe-
From the edges of space in another universe The Dimension Jumpers bleed through, connecting up with this world tracking sounds and electricity to Monsters and Evil. Together TDJ take on frequencies and collects sound from all of their adventures. The stories of their adventures and agency fill the imaginations of the ones ready to listen. Ready to delve further into this universe. The Producers from other Stars.